Study on the Inhibitory Effect of Microwave Puffing Treatment on the Quality Deterioration of Bagasse Fibers During Reuse Process
关键词:  蔗渣  微波膨化  角质化  回用纤维  机械性能
Key Words:bagasse  microwave puffing  keratinization  reused fiber  mechanical properties
欧智宏 昆明理工大学化学工程学院云南昆明650500 650500
雷婉若 昆明理工大学化学工程学院云南昆明650500 650500
李佳豪 昆明理工大学化学工程学院云南昆明650500 650500
黄吉振 昆明理工大学化学工程学院云南昆明650500 650500
刘玉新* 昆明理工大学化学工程学院云南昆明650500
摘要点击次数: 95
全文下载次数: 30
摘要:本研究采用碳酸氢铵作为膨化剂,通过微波膨化技术对蔗渣回用纤维进行膨化处理,以降低纤维在回用过程中的品质衰变。结果表明,打浆度28、45和80 °SR的蔗渣纤维在回用第1次时角质化程度剧烈增加,而打浆度13 °SR的纸张角质化程度变化最大时为第6次回用。打浆度13、28、45和80 °SR蔗渣纤维在角质化程度最大增长点进行膨化处理后,其制备纸张的抗张指数较膨化前分别提高20.8%、15.7%、21.4%和11.3%,同时保水值有所增加。经微波膨化的蔗渣纤维由扁平状转变为中空的柱状结构,结晶度明显降低,品质衰变得到抑制。
Abstract:In this study, ammonium bicarbonate was used as the blowing agent to treat reused bagasse fibers with microwave puffing technology in order to the quality deterioration of fibers during reuse process. The results showed that the lignification degree of reused bagasse fibers at 28, 45, and 80 °SR increased dramatically after first reuse, while the maximum increase in the lignification degree of paper prepared from 13 °SR fibers occurred at 6th reuse. After the microware expanded treatment of 13, 28, 45, and 80 °SR bagasse fibers at the of maximum lignification, the tensile index of the prepared paper increased by 20.8%, 15.7%, 21.4%, 11.3%, respectively, and the water retention value of the paper also increased. After microwave expansion, the reused bagasse fibers changed from a flat to a hollow columnar structure, and the crystallinity was significantly reduced, which inhibited the quality deterioration.
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