Ecological Efficiency Measurement of Five Paper Making Countries Based on Super-Efficiency SBM-ML Model
关键词:  造纸行业  生态效率  超效率SBM模型  Malmquist-Luenberger指数  非期望产出
Key Words:paper industry  ecological efficiency  super-efficiency SBM model  Malmquist-Luenberger index  undesirable output
基金项目:江西省自然科学基金管理科学项目(No 20232BAA10011);江西省重点研发计划重点项目(No 20232BBG70001)。
刘沙沙 江西省科学院能源研究所温室气体核算与碳减排江西省重点实验室江西南昌330096
乔元波 山东大学县域发展研究院山东青岛266237 266237
谢运生 江西省科学院能源研究所温室气体核算与碳减排江西省重点实验室江西南昌330096
邓蕙菁* 江西省科学院能源研究所温室气体核算与碳减排江西省重点实验室江西南昌330096
摘要点击次数: 128
全文下载次数: 70
摘要:全球气候变化背景下,造纸行业资源环境利用效率亟待提升,本研究基于2010—2019年美国、中国、日本、巴西和加拿大5个造纸大国的面板数据,采用包含非期望产出的超效率(SBM)模型测算了造纸行业的生态效率,选用Malmquist-Luenberger(ML)指数模型探索其时间变化特征。结果表明,各国家造纸行业生态效率差异大且各具不同演变特征:美国、日本、巴西、加拿大、中国造纸行业的生态效率10年均值分别为0.932 7、0.895 1、0.754 1、0.485 3、0.346 2。美国造纸行业生态效率呈现波动上升的“W”型变化态势;中国造纸行业生态效率呈现逐年递增的变化态势;日本和巴西的造纸行业生态效率呈现先下降后上升变化态势;加拿大造纸行业生态效率呈现先下降后平稳变化态势。各国家造纸行业生态效率变化受到效率改进和技术进步的影响程度存在差异:美国、日本、巴西和加拿大4个国家造纸行业生态效率的ML 指数受技术进步(TC)指数的影响更大,中国则受到效率改进(EC)指数的影响更大。表明资源利用和管理极大地影响着生态效率的高低,同时政策和市场带来的影响也是巨大且可持续的。最后从技术革新、资源利用管理以及污染物防控等方面提出了造纸行业的未来发展建议。
Abstract:In the context of global climate change, the efficiency of resource and environmental utilization in the pulp and paper industry urgently needs to be improved. Based on the panel data from 2010 to 2019 of the top five papermaking countries—the united states, China, Japan, Brazil, and Canada, this study measured the ecological efficiency of the pulp and paper industries using the super-efficiency Slack-Based Measure (SBM) model that incorporated undesirable outputs. The Malmquist-Luenberger (ML) index model was employed to explore its temporal variation characteristics. The results showed that significant variations in ecological efficiency among these countries, each exhibiting distinct evolutionary patterns: the average ecological efficiency over ten years for the United States, Japan, Brazil, Canada, and China was 0.932 7, 0.895 1, 0.754 1, 0.485 3, and 0.346 2, respectively. The United States’ pulp and paper industries showed a fluctuating upward “W” shaped trend, while China’s demonstrated a year-by-year increasing trend, Japan and Brazil’s papermaking industries displayed a downward and then upward trend, Canada’s pulp and paper industries experienced declining followed by a stable trend year by year. The variations in ecological efficiency among these countries’ pulp and paper industries were influenced by efficiency improvements and technological advancements in different manners: the ML index of ecological efficiency in the pulp and paper industries of the United States, Japan, Brazil, and Canada was more significantly impacted by the Technology Change (TC) index, whereas China’s was more influenced by the Efficiency Change (EC) index. On the one hand, resource utilization and management significantly affected ecological efficiency levels, while on the other hand, policies and markets exerted immense and sustainable impacts. Finally, suggestions for the future development of the pulp and paper industry were proposed in terms of technological innovation, resource utilization management, and pollutant prevention and control.
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