Embodied Carbon Accounting and Influencing Factors Analysis of China’s Paper Industry
关键词:  造纸工业  投入产出表  隐含碳  LMDI分解
Key Words:paper industry  input-output model  embodied carbon  LMDI decomposition
梁湘瑶 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510640 510640
何正磊* 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510640 510640
摘要点击次数: 132
全文下载次数: 88
Abstract:This study constructed the carbon emission input-output model and LMDI decomposition model to calculate the embodied carbon emission of China’s paper industry and explore the contribution of the main influencing factors, so as to provide a basis for the paper industry to develop green transformation strategies. The results showed that the embodied carbon emissions of the paper industry were much higher than the direct carbon emissions, and the indirect carbon emissions account for more than 70% during the study period and increased year by year, and the indirect carbon emissions account for more than 90% by 2020. The paper industry contributed the most carbon emissions to the energy supply sector, and the carbon emissions of other manufactured products and waste products were increasing. The indirect carbon emission intensity effect had the largest negative driving effect on the embodied carbon emission of the paper industry, and the economic development effect had the largest positive driving effect on the embodied carbon emission of the paper industry. It was proposed that the government should strengthen policy guidance, promote the development of energy saving and emission reduction technology, and pay attention to the carbon emission reduction work of the intermediate input of the domestic paper industry supply chain.
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