Exploration of Carbon Cost Estimation Methods for Plantation Forest Harvesting—An Example of the Production of Disposable Sanitary Products Using Pinus kesiya as Raw Material
关键词:  森林采伐  碳成本  绒毛浆  一次性卫生用品
Key Words:forest harvesing  carbon costs  fluff pulp  disposable sanitary products
敖昊林 华南理工大学广东广州510640
苏振华* 中国制浆造纸研究院有限公司北京100102 100102
刘振华 中国制浆造纸研究院有限公司北京100102 100102
孙波* 中国制浆造纸研究院有限公司北京100102 100102
万小芳* 华南理工大学广东广州510640 510640
摘要点击次数: 133
全文下载次数: 70
摘要:除自然干扰外,木材采伐是最能减少森林碳储量的人类活动之一。尽管目前大部分碳核算方法,均认为经由“可持续”管理的森林砍伐,其造成的温室气体排放可以忽略。但这种净碳核算的方法,并未赋予森林重新增长和未采伐森林的碳储存能力任何价值。本研究以思茅松人工林生产一次性卫生用品为例,在CHARM模型的基础上结合产品生产消费特性,考虑时间的因素,估算人工林砍伐碳成本。结果表明,思茅松人工林的采伐碳成本为4.2~16.6 t C/ha,证实了采伐行为会造成碳损失,为进一步完善我国目前纸浆、纸、纸制品碳足迹核算方法提供了一定的参考。
Abstract:Apart from natural disturbances, wood harvesting is one of the human activities that can most significantly reduce forest carbon stocks. The greenhouse gas emissions caused by deforestation through “sustainable” management can be ignored, which is despite the fact in most current carbon accounting methods. However, these methods of net carbon accounting does not give any value to forest re growth and carbon storage capacity of virgin forests. The disposable sanitary products from Pinus kesiya plantations was taken as an example, and the carbon cost of plantation harvesting was estimated, based on the CHARM model, combined with the characteristics of product production and consumption, and considering the factor of time. The results showed that the carbon cost of harvesting Pinus kesiya plantations was 4.2 to 16.6 tC/ha, confirming that harvesting activities cause carbon losses and providing a certain reference for further improving the current carbon footprint accounting methods for pulp, paper, and paper products in China.
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