Control of Sticky Contaminants in Deinked Pulp by Adding Fixing Agent
关键词:  旧报纸脱墨浆  胶黏物定着剂  胶黏物控制
Key Words:deinked pulp  fixing agent  stickies control
于海龙1 1.山东轻工业学院制浆造纸科学与技术省部共建教育部重点实验室山东济南250353 
高 扬1,2 1.山东轻工业学院制浆造纸科学与技术省部共建教育部重点实验室山东济南2503532.华泰集团有限公司山东广饶257335 
张凤山2 2.华泰集团有限公司山东广饶257335 
秦梦华1 1.山东轻工业学院制浆造纸科学与技术省部共建教育部重点实验室山东济南250353 
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摘要:以旧报纸脱墨浆生产线后段3个部位(后浮选后、DIP贮浆塔处、流浆箱前)取样的浆料为对象,采用两种胶黏物定着剂(Hybrid 7655和Hybrid 8185)进行控制胶黏物的研究。以铝箔法检测了胶黏物的沉积量,并通过检测溶解与胶体物质(DCS)含量、滤液浊度、阳离子需求量和纤维表面Zeta电位,评价了使用胶黏物定着剂后浆水体系的湿部化学特性,讨论了控制胶黏物的作用途径。结果表明,两种定着剂都能有效地控制旧报纸脱墨浆中的黏性物质,显著降低了铝箔法检测的胶黏物沉积量,并且降低了滤液的DCS含量和浊度以及阳离子需求量;Hybrid 7655比Hybrid 8185的作用效果好;在DIP贮浆塔处的浆样中使用定着剂,胶黏物沉积量降低的幅度更大一些;定着剂对纸张的物理强度有一定的影响。
Abstract:In this paper, two fixing agents, Hybrid 7655 and Hybrid 8185 and their effects on control of sticky contaminants were studied. Pulps were sampled from three major points of a deinking pulping line, i.e. the post-flotation, the DIP storage tower and the PM head box. Deposition of sticky contaminants was evaluated by the aluminum foil method, and influences of applying fixing agent on the contents of dissolve and colloidal substances, the filtrate turbidity, the cationic demand and Zeta potential of the pulps were determined. The results showed that deposits decreased significantly, meanwhile, DCS, turbidity and cationic demand decreased accordingly. The fixing agent Hybrid 7655 was more effective for removing stickies. Moreover, the fixing agents showed a better performance when it were added into the DIP storage tower. Adding fixing agents deteriorated the paper physical properties to some extent, the negative effect depended on the dosage added.
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