Application of Polyhexamethylene Guanidine Hydrochloride in Paper Industry
关键词:  聚六亚甲基盐酸胍  杀菌剂  沉积物控制剂  白水封闭循环
Key Words:polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride  bactericide  desposit control agent  closed circle of whitewater
黄奇然 广东省化学工业公共实验室广东省石油化工研究院广东广州 510665 
杨伟和 广东省化学工业公共实验室广东省石油化工研究院广东广州 510665 
邱美坚 广东省化学工业公共实验室广东省石油化工研究院广东广州 510665 
栾安博 广东省化学工业公共实验室广东省石油化工研究院广东广州 510665 
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摘要:研究了聚六亚甲基盐酸胍(PHGC)对造纸工业常见的微生物的杀抑菌性能和应用效果。结果表明:30 mg/L用量的PHGC在白水水样中的静态杀菌试验中,8 h内的杀菌率都保持80%以上。PHGC同时具有消除胶黏物质的功能,5%用量PHGC可以使残留在滤网上的胶黏物质减少50%以上,同时滤液也变得更加澄清。在纸机生产应用中,使用PHGC作为造纸杀菌剂和沉积物控制剂,可有效降低白水的微生物水平,延长了纸机清洗周期,实验过程中纸机稳定运行,没有因为腐浆出现断纸等现象,效果优于进口杀菌剂。
Abstract:Polyhexamethylene Guanidine hydrochloride (PHGG) presents high antibacterial efficiency for almost all of bacterium in papermaking process, such as Pseudomonas, Aerobacter, Bacillus, proteus and so on. The sterilization rate in white water keeps 80% above in 8 hour at the dosage of 30 mg/L PHGG. Also the PHGG presents high efficiency in eliminating the stickies and pitches and restricts sedimentation of calcium carbonate. In the simulation experiment, more than 50% stickies quantity is removed from the water system when 5% PHGG is used. Using PHGG as bactericide and aggradation control agent in the production line, the paper machine becomes more clean and runs more smoothly.
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