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烟草浆不同打浆条件下的微观形态分析 |
Morphological Analysis of Tobacco Fibers under Different Beating Conditions |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2012.04.009 |
关键词: 烟草浆 微观分析 打浆条件 |
Key Words:tobacco pulp fibers form beating conditions |
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摘要点击次数: 5765 |
全文下载次数: 2411 |
摘要:对不同打浆条件下烟草浆的微观形态进行了分析和研究,结果表明,烟梗浆微观组分呈细长带状,壁薄腔大,且易分丝帚化;烟末浆微观组分粗短,壁薄腔大,杂细胞含量高,表面难分丝帚化,易破碎;烟梗浆组分和烟末浆组分的质均长度、平均粗度和卷曲率随着打浆度的增大而减小,而帚化率、切断率和细小组分率均随着打浆度的增大呈上升的趋势;烟梗浆适宜中度打浆,而烟末浆适宜低度打浆。 |
Abstract:The morphology of tobacco fibers under different beating conditions were investigated. The results showed that tobacco stem fibers are long and look like a narrow strip, thin wall and large lumen,and easy to be fibrillated; tobacco debris fiber cells are stubby, thin wall, large lumen, easy to be broken and difficult to be fibrillated. Tobacco debris contain large amount of parenchyma cells. The number-average length, weight-average length, coarsness and curl rate of tobacco fibers decrease with the increase of beating degree, while the fibrillation rate, cut rate and fine content increase with the increase of beating degree; moderate beating is enough for tobacco stem pulp and tobacco debris pulp. |
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