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IAS型高分子表面活性剂的合成及应用 |
Synthesis and Application of IAS Polymer Deinking Agent |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2014.12.003 |
关键词: 月桂醇聚氧乙烯醚衣康酸单酯 IAS型高分子表面活性剂 复配 表面化学性能 |
Key Words:luaryl polyoxyethylene(9)ether itaconate ester IAS polymer deinking agent compound surface chemical property |
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摘要:以衣康酸(IA)和月桂醇聚氧乙烯醚(AEO-9)为原料,制备出一种可用于合成高分子表面活性剂的单体月桂醇聚氧乙烯醚衣康酸单酯(IAEO),将其与丙烯酸(AA)、甲基丙烯磺酸钠(SMAS)进行聚合反应,合成了一系列IAS型高分子表面活性剂并将其用于废纸脱墨。考察了最佳合成工艺及复配条件,并测定了其表面化学性能。结果表明,当酯化时间4 h,酯化温度125℃,n(IA)∶n(AEO-9)=1∶1.06,催化剂用量6.5%;聚合时间5.5 h,聚合温度85℃,n(IAEO)∶n(AA)∶n(SMAS)=1∶2∶1,引发剂用量1.5%时获得的IAS型表面活性剂具有较佳的脱墨效果,且乳化性能及分散性能优于AEO-9。将IAS型高分子表面活性剂与壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚(TX-10)按质量比1∶ 2复配时(复配表面活性剂总质量占绝干浆质量的0.2%),脱墨效果进一步提高,脱墨浆白度较单独使用IAS型高分子表面活性剂时提高2.3个百分点,残余油墨量下降12.9 mm2/m2。 |
Abstract:Luaryl polyoxyethylene(9)ether itaconate ester(IAEO) was synthesized by using itaconic acid(IA) and luaryl polyoxyethylene(9)ether (AEO-9) as raw materials then, IAS polymer deinking agent was synthesized by using IAEO, acrylic acid (AA) and sodium methallyl sulfonate (SMAS). Its synthesis processes were studied. The results showed that the esterification under the conditions of the molar ratio of IA to AEO-9 was 1∶1.06 at 125℃ for 4 h with itaconic acid catalyst dosage 6.5% and the polymerization under the conditions of molar ratio of IAEO to AA to SMAS was 1∶2∶1 at 85℃ for 5.5h with 1.5% initiator concentration of total monomer could prepare the IAS polymer with the best deinking performance. Its emulsibility and dispersity were better than AEO-9. The whiteness of the deinked pulp could be increased by 2.3 percentage points and the effective residual ink concentration could be decreased by 12.9 mm2/m2 when it was used with deinking agent TX-10 in m(IAS)∶m(TX-10)=l∶2. |
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