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造纸固体废弃物的焚烧处理 |
Incineration Treatment of Solid Waste in a Paper Mill |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2014.12.015 |
关键词: 造纸固体废弃物 焚烧锅炉 焚烧处理 |
Key Words:paper solid waste burning boilers incineration |
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摘要点击次数: 5449 |
全文下载次数: 2092 |
摘要:为实现造纸固体废弃物减容化、无害化和资源化利用的目标,对广东新柏纸厂造纸固体废弃物(废塑料皮和草渣)进行分析,得出热力学特性,将其作为LC50-6-1.25焚烧锅炉的燃料进行焚烧,用于生产蒸汽。考虑到燃料中塑料含量高,采用16°倾角三级往复炉排,防止塑料熔化黏结炉排,锅炉尾气采用半干法和布袋除尘器处理,并采用SCR法脱硝。实践结果表明,焚烧锅炉运行效果良好,各项指标均满足设计要求;固体废弃物减容效果好,达97%以上。 |
Abstract:In order to realize volume reduction, harmless and reutilization of the solid waste in a paper mill, the thermal property of solid waste containing plastic and straw rejects was analyzed, the solid waste was used as fuel for the boiler to produce steam. Considering large amount of plastic contained in the solid waste, the 16°slant boiler with reciprocating grate, the fuel gas was cleaned with semi-dry process and cloth bag dust remover, denitrogen was carried out by SCR process. The efficient incineration of the solid waste achieved the design targets, reduction of the waster volume was over 97%. |
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