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生物质精炼技术及在造纸行业的应用与趋势 |
Application and Its Trend of Biorefinery in Paper Industry |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2015.04.013 |
关键词: 生物质精炼 木质素纤维 秸秆资源 转型升级 高值化 资源化 |
Key Words:biorefinery lignocelluloses straw resource transformation and upgrade high-value utilization resource utilization |
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摘要点击次数: 11234 |
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摘要:生物质精炼是将生物质资源转化为能源和多元化、高附加值生物质产品的一种有效途径,是实现高值化利用原料和资源化利用三废的有效方法,造纸企业是生物质精炼不可多得的发展平台。本文重点介绍了传统制浆造纸工业与生物质精炼相结合的几种可行模式和相关技术的应用情况以及发展趋势。 |
Abstract:Biorefinery was an effective way to convert biomass resources into energy and diversified valuable biomass products. It was also an effective way to high-value utilizeraw material and resource “three wastes” (waste gas, waste water and waste industrial residue). Paper industry provides an important platform for developing biorefinery. This paper emphasizes several feasible models in conjunction with traditional pulp & paper industry and biorefinery, relevant technology application and development trend. |
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