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高低游离度化机浆配抄对成纸性能的影响 |
Effect of the Ration of High and Low Freeness High Yield Pulps on the Properties of the Papers Made of the Mixed Pulps |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2011.01.001 |
关键词: PFI磨浆 槽式打浆 APMP浆 纤维质量分析 |
Key Words:PFI mill trough beating APMP fiber quality analysis |
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摘要点击次数: 6129 |
全文下载次数: 2125 |
摘要:采用PFI磨浆机和槽式打浆机对杨木APMP浆进行打浆,分别研究了不同浓度打浆对纤维形态及质量、成纸性能的影响。利用光学显微镜及纤维质量分析仪(FAQ)观测了纤维形态变化,分析了纤维的长度、卷曲、扭结等形态参数及细小纤维含量的变化。对两种不同浓度、磨浆方式下的高低游离度浆料进行配抄,与APMP生产线二段磨后浆料即成品浆料的成纸性能进行比较。结果表明,随着磨浆程度的提高,纤维长度下降,纤维卷曲指数与扭结指数先增加后下降,细小纤维含量增加。与槽式打浆成浆性能相比,PFI磨浆后纤维的切断少,纤维压溃变得比较显著,纤维分丝帚化优越,表现出了更好的纤维间结合能力。 |
Abstract:The aspen APMP was beated using PFI mill and trough beater, the effects of beating on fiber morphology and quality, papermaking performance were studied. The change of fiber morphology was observed with optical microscope, fiber length, curl, kink and other mophological parameters and change of fines content were analyzed by Fiber Quality Analyzer (FQA). The high/low freeness pulps prepared by refining in the lab were mixed to the same freeness level of the secondary refiner of the mill, then the papermaking performance of the pulps was compared. With the continuing refining, fiber length decreased, fiber curl index and kink index increased first and then decreased, and the fines content increased. Compared to the low consistency refining, medium consistency refining had an excellent result: much more fibers were crushed and fibrillated and less fibers were cut off. The bulk property of the paper made of the mixed high and low freeness pulps prepared in the lab was improved compared with the paper made of the pulp from the secondary refiner of the mill. And this feature is more significant when using the medium refining. |
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