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LIP卷烟纸的优化设计及在烤烟型卷烟中的应用 |
Optimization Design and Preliminary Application of Low Ignition Propensity Cigarette Paper |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2011.01.004 |
关键词: 低引燃倾向 卷烟纸 引燃性能 抽吸品质 |
Key Words:low ignition propensity cigarette paper ignition performance smoking quality |
基金项目:云南中烟工业公司科技计划项目2010CP01。 |
摘要点击次数: 5639 |
全文下载次数: 1622 |
摘要:低引燃倾向(LIP)卷烟能减少卷烟引发火灾的风险,为了将LIP卷烟纸应用到烤烟型卷烟上,对LIP卷烟纸的原纸透气度、助燃剂含量和阻燃带扩散率进行优化,并将LIP卷烟纸初步应用到烤烟型卷烟上;测定了LIP卷烟的引燃性能、自由燃烧熄灭率及CO、焦油、烟碱含量,并进行感官质量评吸。结果表明,经过优化后,LIP卷烟纸的原纸透气度为95 CU,助燃剂含量为1.0%,阻燃带扩散率为0.115 cm/s;制备的LIP卷烟符合ASTM E2187-04的要求,能有效减少火灾的发生,CO、烟碱、焦油含量变化不大,抽吸品质也没有明显差别。 |
Abstract:Low ignition propensity (LIP) cigarette can reduce the risk of fire ignited by cigarette. In order to apply LIP paper to flue-cured tobacco cigarette, base paper porosity, content of burning agent and diffusion rate of retardant belt were optimized. Then optimized paper was applied to flue-cured tobacco cigarette. The ignition performance, free air self extinguish and content of CO, tar and nicotine in new LIP cigarette were determined, besides, smoking quality was evaluated. The result showed that: (1) after optimization, base paper porosity was 95 CU, content of burning agent was 1.0% with diffusion rate of retardant belt for 0.115 cm/s;(2)The ignition performance and free air self extinguish test of LIP cigarette met the requirement of ASTM E2187-04. Content of CO, tar and nicotine in mainstream smoke of LIP cigarette had no change. There was no significant difference in smoking quality between ordinary and LIP cigarette. |
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