Production Process of Brick by Using White Mud of Paper Industry and Shale as Raw Materials
关键词:  造纸苛化白泥  页岩  烧结砖  工艺
Key Words:white mud of paper industry  shale  brick  production process
张博廉1 1.固体废弃物处理与资源化教育部重点实验室四川绵阳621010 
冯启明1 1.固体废弃物处理与资源化教育部重点实验室四川绵阳621010 
罗会刚2 2.绵阳市环境科学研究所四川绵阳621000 
王维清1 1.固体废弃物处理与资源化教育部重点实验室四川绵阳621010 
罗利华1 1.固体废弃物处理与资源化教育部重点实验室四川绵阳621010 
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摘要:对某造纸厂苛化白泥的化学成分、粒度进行了测试分析,将该造纸白泥按照不同比例直接加入到页岩中,烧制出了实心砖制品。研究了原料配比及其烧成制度对制品抗压强度、吸水率、收缩率等性能的影响。结果表明,造纸白泥掺量在15%~27%、烧结温度900~1100℃并保温1~3 h时,烧结砖性能达到了页岩砖国家标准(GB5101—2003)中的各项要求,有利于实现造纸苛化白泥的资源化利用,减轻环境污染。
Abstract:At present, the white mud from chemical recovery plant has not been effectively utilized, its piling up not only occuppies a lot of land, but also causes serious environment pollution. In order to solve the problem, using the white mud and shale to product brick was studied. The chemical composition and granularity of the white mud were tested and analyzed. White mud was directly added to shale in different ratio then the solid bricks were sintered. And the effects of ratio of raw materials and the firing system on compressive strength, water absorption, shrinkage of the product were studied. The results showed that the properties of the brick accord with the national standard of Fired Common bricks(GB5101—2003) when the mixing amount of white mud is 15% to 27%, the sintering temperature is 900℃ to 1100℃ and insulation is 1 to 3 h. This is significance for the utilization of white mud and reducing environmental pollution.
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