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钢丝辊计量式薄膜施胶机在高速瓦楞原纸纸机上的应用 |
Application of Film Sizer with Metering Roll in High Speed Corrugating Medium Machine |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2011.01.010 |
关键词: 计量辊 薄膜施胶机 瓦楞原纸 应用 |
Key Words:metering roll film sizer corrugating medium application |
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摘要点击次数: 5583 |
全文下载次数: 1795 |
摘要:本文结合多年工厂的实践,就钢丝辊计量式薄膜施胶机在高速瓦楞原纸纸机上用作表面施胶的应用原理、影响因素、工艺参数、问题解决等内容进行了阐述。实践表明,合适的操作条件能够确保钢丝辊式施胶机在高速瓦楞原纸纸机上得到成功应用。 |
Abstract:It is important to upgrade the paper quality by film sizer in a high speed fluting paper machine using recycled fibers as raw material. Based on many years mill practice experiences, some concerns with regards to the metering roll type film sizer application to the corrugating medium paper will be discussed in this article,such as the application principle, influencing factors, processing data, trouble shooting. It is also proved that the metering roll type film sizer can perform well in modern high speed corrugating medium paper under appropriate operating condition. |
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