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BIVIS制浆生产中的主要故障及解决方法 |
The Main Faults and Its Solution in BIVIS Mechanical Pulping |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2011.01.011 |
关键词: 制浆生产 机制浆 生产故障 轴头改造 |
Key Words:main faults modifying the shaft end faulty points eliminated productivity upgrad |
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摘要点击次数: 5268 |
全文下载次数: 1653 |
摘要:介绍了某造纸厂BIVIS制浆系统生产过程中的主要故障点,分析了故障产生的原因,提出了解决方法。通过改造1#BIVIS进料端轴头及其外围设备,消除了生产中的主要故障点,稳定了生产。同时,在保证半浆质量的基础上,极大地提升了该套系统的开机率及制浆产能。 |
Abstract:The main faults and its solution of a BIVIS mechanical pulping system in a mill were introduced in this paper. By modifying the feeding-side shaft end and its surrounding equipment of 1# BIVIS machine, the major faulty points in production were eliminated, and the production became stable, at the same time, the quality of pulp product was satisfactory while the operation rate and production were greatly increased. |
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