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电导率对聚胺固着剂作用于造纸循环白水的影响研究 |
Effect of Conductivity on the Performance of Polyamine in Recycling White Water System |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2011.02.001 |
关键词: 聚胺 固着剂 电导率 白水 溶解与胶体物质 |
Key Words:polyamine fixing agent conductivity whitewater dissolved and colloidal substances |
基金项目:本课题得到国家自然科学基金项目(31070529)资助。 |
摘要点击次数: 5914 |
全文下载次数: 2202 |
摘要:将聚胺固着剂作用于电导率不同的两种白水,探讨了电导率对其作用效果的影响。结果表明,不同电导率条件下,聚胺均能明显地增大较小胶体粒子的粒径,或将较小的粒子固着到较大的粒子上,同时降低白水的浊度、色度、阳离子需求量、COD和DCS含量。电导率上升对聚胺作用于白水的效果有一定的削弱作用,但相对而言,其降低浊度和色度的能力被削弱的程度较小,将小粒子直接凝聚到大粒子之上以及降低阳离子需求量、COD和DCS含量的能力被削弱得比较明显。综合分析认为,高电导率条件下聚胺仍能提供较好的处理白水的效果。 |
Abstract:Polyamine fixing agent was used to treat two kinds of whitewater with different conductivities. The results showed that under both low and high conductivity conditions, the polyamine can increase the particle size of small colloids, and/or fix them directly onto the larger particles, therefore reduce the turbidity of the white water. Meanwhile, the color, cationic demand, COD and DCS content of the white water are also decreased. The performance of the polyamine is deteriorated as conductivity raise from 820 μS/cm to 5500 μS/cm, but its ability to decrease turbidity and color is not deteriorated as much. On the other hand its ability to coagulate small colloids onto large particles, reduce cationic demand, COD and DCS content are deteriorated significantly. Despite its performance is deteriorated, the polyamine still can be used in white water treatment under high conductivity conditions. |
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