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用浸没式平板膜生物反应器处理草浆中段废水 |
Treatment of Washing/Bleaching Effluent from Straw Pulping Line by Using Immersed Flat Membrane Bioreactor |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2011.02.006 |
关键词: 膜生物反应器 草浆中段废水 水力停留时间(HRT) 膜污染 污泥浓度 |
Key Words:immersed flat membrane bioreactor wastewater of wheat-straw pulping HRT membrane pollution sludge concentration |
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摘要点击次数: 5665 |
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摘要:用自制浸没式平板膜生物反应器(MBR)对麦草浆中段废水进行处理,CODCr、色度和SS的去除率分别为90.0%、92.3%和96.0%,出水达到制浆造纸工业水污染物排放标准(GB3544—2008)的排放要求。处理过程中通过优化运行参数有效减缓了膜污染的发生。 |
Abstract:The treatment of washing and bleaching wastewater of the wheat straw pulping line by using an immersed flat membrane bioreactor prepared in lab was studied. The experimental results showed that the CODCr, color, and SS removal efficiencies reach 90.0%, 92.3% and 96.0% respectively. The effluent quality can meet the “the paper industry water pollution discharge standard” (GB3544—2008) requirements. The membrane pollution can be reduced by optimizing the operation parameters. |
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