Methane Production through Anaerobic Co-digestion of Paper Mill Sludge and Kitchen Waste
关键词:  造纸生化污泥  餐厨垃圾  混合厌氧消化  甲烷
Key Words:paper mill sludge  kitchen waste  anaerobic co-digestion  methane
林云琴 华南农业大学资源环境学院环境科学与工程系广东广州510642 
王德汉 华南农业大学资源环境学院环境科学与工程系广东广州510642 
李 庆 华南农业大学资源环境学院环境科学与工程系广东广州510642 
黄利坚 华南农业大学资源环境学院环境科学与工程系广东广州510642 
李广鹏 华南农业大学资源环境学院环境科学与工程系广东广州510642 
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摘要:采用中温单相间歇式厌氧消化工艺,对造纸生化污泥和餐厨垃圾进行混合厌氧消化制取甲烷,通过设计两种物料的不同配比(以挥发性固体VS计),研究了不同配比混合物料的产甲烷性能。实验结果表明,在中温(37±2)℃条件下,各发酵瓶(3个发酵瓶编号A1、A2和A3,分别为造纸生化污泥∶餐厨垃圾=1∶3,2∶2和3∶1)的甲烷累积产量和甲烷日产量均为A2>A1>A3,其中甲烷累积产量最高值为9743 mL,甲烷日产量最高值为650 mL;各发酵瓶VS的去除率也遵循A2>A1>A3,其中最高去除率达41%;各发酵瓶中挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)浓度和碱度大小顺序符合A1>A2>A3,其中A1出现了碱度和VFA浓度过高的现象,而A2和A3的碱度和VFA浓度均处于较适范畴。可见造纸生化污泥和餐厨垃圾混合消化产甲烷是可行的,两种物料的较佳配比是1∶1。
Abstract:The methane was produced through the mesophilic anaerobic co-digestion of paper mill sludge (PS) and kitchen waste in batch reactors. The influence of different ratioes of the sludge and kitchen waste on the production rate of methane was studied. The results showed that the accumulative methane yield and the daily methane production for each reactor followed the trend of A2>A1>A3 (A1, A2, A3 refer to different reactors), and the VS removal efficiency in each reactor also followed the same trend; the peak values of accumulative methane yield, daily methane production and VS removal efficiency were 9743 mL, 650 mL and 41%, respectively. Meanwhile, the alkalinity and VFA concentrations of each reactor ranked in A1>A2>A3; the alkalinity and VFA concentrations were too high in reactor A1 for the microorganisms in the system, but it was suitable in reactor A2 and A3 for the steady of the systems.
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