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基于模糊自适应PID算法的复卷机退纸辊张力控制 |
Paper Tension Control of Re-winder Based on Fuzzy Adaptive PID Algorithm |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2011.02.010 |
关键词: 模糊控制 自适应控制 PID控制 复卷机 纸幅张力 |
Key Words:fuzzy control adaptive control PID control tension control re-winder |
基金项目:本课题由陕西科技大学研究生创新基金资助。 |
摘要点击次数: 5455 |
全文下载次数: 1652 |
摘要:复卷机张力控制具有非线性、大滞后、强干扰特点,是复卷机电控系统的难点。常规PID在复卷机升降速及高速运行时控制效果不佳。模糊自适应PID控制可在线实时调整PID参数,适应系统在升降速及结构发生变化时的影响。结果表明,系统动态特性好,鲁棒性强,实现简单。 |
Abstract:The paper proposed a new algorithm to produce a solution for paper tension control of re-winder. The algorithm is based on fuzzy control and adaptive PID control, which adjusting PID parameters online by fuzzy logic reasoning. The algorithm can be easily realized by programmable logic controller (PLC). In practice, when re-winder speed increase, or decrease, it can have better tension control. Result shows that system using this algorithm is steady and robust. |
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