二维码(扫一下试试看!) |
一种大范围高精度定量传感器 |
A Kind of BW Sensor with Wide Range and High Accuracy |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2011.02.011 |
关键词: 定量传感器 定量测量 高精度 温度补偿 |
Key Words:BW sensor wide range high accuracy |
基金项目:本课题得到陕西科技大学自然科学基金(No.ZX07-01)资助。 |
摘要点击次数: 5595 |
全文下载次数: 1580 |
摘要:针对某造纸厂150~1500 g/m2纸板定量测量需求,设计了一种四量程大范围高精度定量传感器。通过采用进口关键器件、空调恒温和温度补偿等技术,使其在150~1500 g/m2定量范围内均有较高的测量灵敏度和测量精度,达到了进口QCS定量传感器的同等性能水平。 |
Abstract:A kind of BW sensor with four ranges and high accuracy for the measurement of basis weight from 150 g/m2 to 1500 g/m2 in a paperboard mill was designed. By using import key components and air conditioning thermostat and temperature compensation technology, the sensor has high sensitivity and accuracy during measuring the whole range of basis weight. Its performance is as well as the BW sensor of the import QCS. And there is a good prospect to popularize its application. |
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