Pilot Enzymatic Treatment of Corrugating Medium
关键词:  漆酶  OCC浆  瓦楞原纸  环压指数  保水值
Key Words:laccase  OCC pulp  corrugating medium  ring crush index  WRV
万金泉1,2 1.华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州5106402.华南理工大学环境科学与工程学院广东广州510006 
杨 静1 1.华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510640 
马邕文1,2 1.华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州5106402.华南理工大学环境科学与工程学院广东广州510006 
王 艳2 2.华南理工大学环境科学与工程学院广东广州510006 
郭文杰2 2.华南理工大学环境科学与工程学院广东广州510006 
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摘要:采用漆酶-组氨酸的组合方式处理OCC浆,并先后在实验室和纸厂研究此生物处理方式对瓦楞原纸性能的影响。实验室小试研究结果表明,当漆酶和组氨酸的用量分别为0.90 U/g和1.0%(对绝干浆)时,成纸的干湿环压指数分别提高了22.9%和30.3%。中试结果也表明,漆酶和组氨酸用量分别为0.225 U/g和0.10%时,成纸干湿环压指数分别提高14.9%和26.4%,纵横向抗张指数分别提高8.0%和10.7%,耐破指数提高16.4%。同时生物处理在促进纤维分丝帚化方面也有明显效果,经处理的纤维保水值上升了40个百分点,纤维平均孔径和比表面积分别提高了1.1%和5.1%,并且浆料中羧基含量也提高了35.4%。
Abstract:In this paper, the influence of laccase-histidine on OCC fiber proterties was studied both in laboratory and mill. The laboratory results showed that when the amounts of laccase and histidine were 0.90 U/g and 1.0% respectively. The dry and wet ring crush index of papersheet increased by 22.9% and 30.3% compared with the control sample. Furthermore, the pilot test results also showed that when the amounts of laccase and histidine were 0.225 U/g and 0.10% (on oven dried pulp), the dry and wet ring crush index of papersheet increased by 14.9% and 26.4%, the longitudinal and cross tensile index increased by 8.0% and 10.7%, and brusting index increased by 16.4%, correspondingly. Besides, fibrillation was greatly developed and water retention value (WRV) increased by 37.5%. At the same time, the average pore size of fiber wall, specific surface area and carboxy group content increased by 1.1%, 5.1% and 35.4% respectively.
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