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棉秆造纸废水二沉池出水的处理工艺设计及运行效果 |
Treatment of Effluent from Second Sedimentation Pond of Cotton Stalk Papermaking Wastewater Treatment |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2011.03.007 |
关键词: 棉秆造纸 废水 梯级混凝 生物活性炭 |
Key Words:papermaking with cotton pole step coagulation biological activated carbon |
基金项目:本项目获天津市教委“双五项目”支持,合同号:SW2008001。 |
作者 | 单位 | 苗 飞 | 天津科技大学,天津,300457 | 庞金钊 | 天津科技大学,天津,300457 | 刘 忠 | 天津科技大学,天津,300457 | 杨宗政 | 天津科技大学,天津,300457 | 袁青彬 | 天津科技大学,天津,300457 |
摘要点击次数: 5550 |
全文下载次数: 1684 |
摘要:采用“二次混凝(又名梯级混凝)和生物活性炭”联合工艺处理棉秆造纸废水的二沉池出水。结果表明,梯级混凝段,在实验室最佳投药量的基础上,一级混凝对原水COD和色度的去除率分别为30%和28%;二级混凝对COD和色度的去除率分别为60%和70%;生物活性炭段对梯级混凝段出水COD和色度的去除率分别达到50%和70%。生物活性炭段出水完全能满足该厂作为回用洗浆水的要求。 |
Abstract:The combined second coagulation cascade and flocculation and biological activated carbon process for treatment of the effluent from the second sedimentation pond of waste water treatment of cotton stalk papermaking was tested. The effluent from second pond was 50 t/d, the feasibility of the process was studied by investigating the removal of COD and chromaticity. Test coagulation cascade results showed that with optimal chemicals dosages, the removals of COD and chromaticity were 30% and 28% for coagulation treatment and 60% and 70% for coagu-floculation treatment respectively. Removals of COD and chromaticity were 50% and 70% respectively by biological activated carbon treatment. Biological activated carbon treated water can completely meet the requirement of washing even can satisfy the paper machine operation. |
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