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聚合氯化铝和聚合氯化铁处理造纸废水的效果比较 |
Efficiency Comparison of Pulping and Papermaking Effluent Treatment by Using Polyaluminum Chloride and Polyferric Chloride |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2011.03.008 |
关键词: 造纸废水 混凝 聚合氯化铝 聚合氯化铁 |
Key Words:pulp and papermaking effluent coagulation PAC PFC |
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摘要点击次数: 5905 |
全文下载次数: 1715 |
摘要:用聚合氯化铝(PAC)和聚合氯化铁(PFC)对造纸废水进行混凝实验,通过它们在不同pH值和投加量的情况下,对废水色度、CODCr的去除率进行分析,以选择最佳混凝剂及混凝条件。实验结果表明,在pH值为8,混凝剂投加量为30 mg/L时,用PFC混凝剂处理造纸废水比用PAC效果好且更经济,其脱色率达到90%,CODCr去除率可达43%。 |
Abstract:The efficiencies of coagulation treatment of pulping and papermaking effluent by using PAC and PFC were compared. Influence of the factors such as the amount of coagulants and pH value on the flocculation effect was discussed. The optimum process conditions were obtained by analyzing the results of different coagulation in terms of the decoloration rate and the removal rate of CODCr,The experimental results showed that:When pH value is 8 and dosage of the coagulant is 30mg/L pulping and papermaking effluent treatment using PFC coagulant is more effective and less expensive than PAC, the resulting 90% decoloration rate and 43% removal rate of CODCr. |
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