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涂层固化过程中胶乳粒子发生迁移的机理 |
Study of Binder Migration Mechanism during Consolidation of Coating Suspensions: When Does Migration of Particulate Latex Occur |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2011.04.001 |
关键词: 涂层固化 胶黏剂 迁移时间 XPS 表面元素组成 |
Key Words:consolidation of coating suspensions binder migration time XPS surface elemental composition |
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摘要点击次数: 5885 |
全文下载次数: 1775 |
摘要:用X射线光电子能谱仪(XPS)检测了不同条件下干燥的高岭土-胶乳涂料体系涂层的表面元素组成,对涂布纸涂层固化过程中胶乳发生迁移的时间进行了研究。XPS检测显示,不同温度干燥时,涂层表面的碳元素含量随着干燥温度的升高而明显增加,随着室温滞留时间的延长而显著降低。实验结果表明,在涂布纸涂层固化过程中,胶乳粒子的迁移主要发生在涂料施涂以后至涂料内部形成毛细管的这段时间,即当涂料仍处于液体状态的时候。 |
Abstract:Surface elemental compositions of model clay/latex coatings consolidated under various conditions were measured using XPS technique, in order to elucidate the moment when the migration of particulate latex relative to pigments during drying of colloidal suspensions takes place. The results showed that surface carbon content was higher for coatings dried at a higher temperature, and surface carbon content reduced greatly as delaying drying at room temperature. The observations provided evidence that latex migration mainly took place after coating application but before capillary formation, i.e., when the coatings were in liquid phase. |
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