Structure and Performance of Photocatalytic Silk Mask Paper
关键词:  纳米TiO2  光催化  丝质口罩纸  过滤性能  抑菌性能
Key Words:nano-TiO2  photocatalysis  silk mask paper  filtration performance  bacteriostasis
沙力争1,2 1.浙江科技学院轻工学院浙江杭州 3100232.天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室天津300457 
赵会芳1 1.浙江科技学院轻工学院浙江杭州 3100232.天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室天津300457 
摘要点击次数: 6442
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摘要:以蚕丝纸为基体,负载纳米TiO2,通过控制蚕丝的打浆度、纤维长度等工艺,制备不同定量的光催化丝质口罩纸,并与普通丝质口罩纸作对照,分析了丝质口罩纸的孔隙结构和过滤性能,用FESEM观察了纸张的表面形貌及纳米TiO2的分布状况,并考察了光催化丝质口罩纸的抑菌性能。实验结果表明,通过控制浆料打浆度、纤维长度和成纸定量可改变纸张的孔径大小;定量为45 g/m2,浆料打浆度为82°SR和91°SR的纸张具有较高的过滤效率和较合适的过滤阻力;光催化丝质口罩纸有效提高了丝质口罩纸的抑菌能力。
Abstract:In order to obtain mask materials with filtering - photocatalytic synergistic effect, photocatalytic silk mask paper was made by loading nano-TiO2 photocatalyst on silk-base mask paper, and the effects of the beating degree and fiber length of the silk pulp as well as the basis weight of silk paper on the pore structure and filtration performance of the photocatalytic silk mask paper were discussed. Meanwhile, the surface topography and nano-TiO2 distribution of silk mask paper were observed by Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) and the bacteriostasis of silk mask paper was also measured. Results indicated that silk mask paper has higher filtering efficiency and desirable filtering resistance when the basis weight of silk paper is 45 g/m2 and the beating degree of silk pulp is in the range of 82°SR and 91°SR in this experiment. Furthermore, the loading of nano-TiO2 photocatalyst on silk paper effectively improves the antibacterial ability of the mask paper.
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