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利用苛化白泥和石英合成针状硅灰石的研究 |
Synthesis of Acicular Wollastionite by Using White Mud of Paper Mill and Quartz Powder |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2011.07.007 |
关键词: 造纸苛化白泥 石英 针状硅灰石 |
Key Words:white mud quartz fume acicular wollastionite |
基金项目:固体废弃物处理与资源化教育部重点实验室资助项目(项目编号09zxgk07)。 |
摘要点击次数: 5453 |
全文下载次数: 2190 |
摘要:以造纸厂苛化白泥与石英为原料,采用高温固相反应法合成了长径比大的针状硅灰石,研究了石英与苛化白泥质量比、合成温度及保温时间对产品的物相组成、相对含量、结晶程度的影响,对在优化条件下合成的硅灰石形貌特征及粒径进行了表征。结果表明,在石英与苛化白泥质量比为0.66∶1、合成温度为1120℃、保温4 h的优化条件下合成的硅灰石制品,其硅灰石相含量高、结晶程度好,长径比最大可达30。 |
Abstract:Using quartz powder and white mud of paper mill as raw material, large aspect ratio of acicular wollastionite was synthesized by high temperature solid-state reaction method. The influence of mass ratio of quartz powder and white mud of paper mill, synthesis temperature and holding time on phase composition, relative content of the product were studied, and the morphology and particle diameter of wollastionite which was synthesized under optimum conditions were characterized. The results showed that the relative content and crystallinity of wollastionite were high, the largest aspect ratio reached to 30 when mass ratio of quartz powder and white mud of paper mill was 0.66∶1, calcining temperature was 1120℃, and the holding time was 4 h. This research opens up a new way of effective utilization of white mud of paper mill. |
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