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麦草化学机械浆漂白机理的研究 |
Research on Bleaching Mechanism of Wheat Straw Chemi-mechanical Pulp |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2011.08.002 |
关键词: 麦草化学机械浆 NaBH4 H2O2漂白 麦草木质素 |
Key Words:wheat straw chemi-mechanical pulp sodium borohydride peroxide bleaching lignin of wheat straw |
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摘要点击次数: 5372 |
全文下载次数: 1579 |
摘要:对经碱性H2O2漂白以及NaBH4还原处理后麦草化学机械浆的木质素结构进行了分析研究。结果表明,麦草化学机械浆经碱性H2O2漂白后总羰基含量减少了26.4%,后续NaBH4还原处理后木质素中共轭羰基数量又减少了70.0%,漂白破坏了木质素中的发色基团。 |
Abstract:Lignin structures in wheat straw materials, its chemi-mechanical pulps, the pulps bleached with alkaline H2O2 and the pulps treated by H2O2/NaBH4 were determined in this paper. The results showed that conjugated carbonyl content in the lignin of H2O2 bleached chemi-mechanical pulp decreases by 26.4%, conjugated carbonyl in the lignin of the pulp treated by NaBH4 further decreases by 70.0%. The chromophore in the lignin is broken by bleaching, which improves the pulp brightness. |
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