Preparation of Collagen Fiber-plant Fiber Shielding Paper and its Microwaves Shielding Efficiencyency
关键词:  胶原纤维  化学改性  吸波剂  屏蔽纸  屏蔽能力
Key Words:collagen fiber  chemical modification  microwaves absorbent  shielding paper  shielding efficiency
基金项目:国家科技支撑计划项目 (2010AA0621629)。
刘一山1 1.四川大学四川成都610065 
郭佩佩2 2.四川大学制革清洁技术国家工程实验室四川成都610065 
廖学品1 1.四川大学四川成都610065 
石 碧2 2.四川大学制革清洁技术国家工程实验室四川成都610065 
摘要点击次数: 5161
全文下载次数: 1643
摘要:从家畜动物皮中提取胶原纤维,对其进行化学改性制备一种新型的微波吸收剂,将其与植物纤维(漂白硫酸盐竹浆)混合抄片,制成具有微波屏蔽功能的纸张,研究了胶原纤维吸波剂的添加量对成纸的微波屏蔽性能和机械强度的影响。结果表明,胶原纤维经化学改性后,其电磁参数发生明显改变;在植物纤维中添加胶原纤维吸波剂,能明显提高成纸的微波屏蔽能力;随着胶原纤维吸波剂用量的增加,纸张的屏蔽作用不断提高,对定量为90 g/m2的纸样,当吸波剂用量为60%(质量分数)时,最大屏蔽能力超过35 dB;当添加量不超过55%时,胶原纤维吸波剂不仅能够赋予成纸微波屏蔽能力,还能够增加成纸的机械强度。
Abstract:Collagen fibers (CF) were extracted from domestic animal skins, which were the novel microwaves absorbent after chemical modification. The microwaves shielding paper was prepared using collagen fiber microwaves absorbent blended with plant fibers (KP bamboo pulp). The effect of dosage of collagen fiber microwaves absorbent on the shielding efficiency (SE) and strength of the shielding paper was investigated. Experimental results indicated that the shielding efficiency of plant fiber paper could be obviously improved after collagen fiber microwaves absorbent was added, and its SE values could be increased with the increase of the dosage of the absorbent. In the paper with basis weight of 90 g/m2, the SE reached at 35 dB when 60% (mass basis)of absorbent was added. Further investigation indicated that the strength of plant fiber paper was enhanced when the content of absorbent was not higher than 55%. Therefore, the collagen fiber can be used to produce shielding paper.
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