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卡鲁塞尔氧化沟工艺在蔗渣制浆造纸废水处理中的应用 |
Application of Carrousel Oxidation Ditch in Bagasse Pulping & Papermaking Wastewater Treatment |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2011.08.010 |
关键词: 蔗渣 制浆造纸 废水处理 卡鲁塞尔 污泥膨胀 |
Key Words:bagasse pulping & papermaking wastewater carrousel sludge bulking |
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摘要点击次数: 6065 |
全文下载次数: 1758 |
摘要:通过蔗渣制浆造纸废水生化处理的项目实例,阐述了卡鲁塞尔氧化沟工艺在设计和运行上的特点,特别是对蔗渣制浆造纸废水好氧生化处理中如何防止污泥膨胀提出了一种新的解决方案。 |
Abstract:Due to more and more enterprises produce pulp and paper with bagasse as material, higher requirement to wastewater treatment of bagasse pulping and papermaking is put forward accordingly. Carrousel oxidation ditch process has been commonly applied in this field, and has been getting popular gradually in recent years. Via the project example of bio-treatment of bagasse pulping wastewater, the characteristics of Carrousel process are expatiated in terms of its design and operation. Especially a new solution is presented for preventing sludge bulking in aeration bio-treatment system of bagasse pulping wastewater. |
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