Improving the Antimicrobial Activity of Unbleached Kraft Pulp by Treatment with Laccase and Butyl 4-Hydroxybenzoate
关键词:  漆酶  对羟基苯甲酸丁酯  未漂硫酸盐浆  抗菌活性
Key Words:lacccase  butyl 4-hydroxybenzoate  unbleached kraft pulp  antimicrobial activity
裴继诚 天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室天津300457 
于秀玲 天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室天津300457 
张方东 天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室天津300457 
摘要点击次数: 5352
全文下载次数: 2029
Abstract:In order to improve the antimicrobial activity of paper, the antimicrobial activity of the paper manufactured with the kraft pulp which was treated with laccase/buty1 4-hydroxybenzoate was evaluated. The experimental results showed that, the handsheet paper containing laccase and butyl 4-hydroxybenzoate showed a greater efficiency against the growth of bacteria, which resisted s.aureus, bacillus subtilis, e.coli, salmonella to 94.50%, 90.87%, 98.99%, and 99.12% respectively. There was little change of anti-bacteria effect of the handsheet paper after washing four times, which indicated that the chemical bonds between butyl 4-hydroxybenzoate and fibers probably were formed in the presence of laccase. After the enzymatic treatment, kappa number increase compared with the control sample, and the observation of scanning electron microscope(SEM) indicated that fibers treated by laccase and butyl 4-hydroxybenzoate were agglutinated together in wide area, which indicated that the phenol compounds may be linked to the surface of fibers by covalent bond to some extent.
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