Retention and Drainage of Deinked Pulp with Using Multi-component System Containing Nanosized TiO2
关键词:  纳米TiO2  多元体系  助留助滤  DIP
Key Words:nanosized TiO2  multi-component system  retention and drainage  DIP
李 艳 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510641 
陈小泉 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510641 
曹人玻 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510641 
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摘要:利用动态滤水实验,通过检测留着率和滤水时间来考察纳米TiO2胶体多元复配体系对脱墨浆(DIP)抄造新闻纸过程的助留助滤作用。结果表明,二元体系中,AmS(两性淀粉)-TiO2二元复配体系助留助滤效果最好,当纳米TiO2胶体用量0.20%和AmS用量0.5%时,其滤水时间是 13 s,其总留着率达到93.4%;在三元体系中, 当CS(阳离子淀粉)用量 0.4%、APAM(阴离子聚丙烯酰胺)用量0.01%和纳米TiO2胶体用量0.2%时的体系的滤水时间最小,为17 s;当CS用量 0.4%、CPAM(阳离子聚丙烯酰胺)用量0.01%和纳米TiO2胶体用量0.2%时总留着率最大,为97.5%。研究发现,纳米TiO2胶体多元体系具有好的助留助滤效果,淀粉系列因为具有三维结构,为纤维、DCS(溶解和胶体物质)的絮聚提供了更多的结合机会,而PAM(聚丙烯酰胺)系列主要通过桥联、电荷吸附以及补丁絮聚机理实现好的助留助滤效果。
Abstract:In order to optimize retention and drainage performance of the deinked pulp using in newsprint production, the retention and drainage effects of multi-components system containing nanosized TiO2 were studied. The results showed that the drainage time was 13 s, and the retention rate was 93.4% when the dosage of nanosized TiO2 was 0.20% in a nanosized TiO2-AmS dual system. Among the ternary systems, the formula containing CS(0.4%),APAM(0.01%) and nanosized TiO2 (0.2%) had the best drainage performance, the drainage time was 17 s,and the formula containing CS(0.4%),CPAM(0.01%) and nanosized TiO2 (0.2%) had the best retention result, the total retention rate was 97.5%. It was found that the multi-component system containing nanosized TiO2 have good effect on retention and drainage due to the three dimensional structure, providing more combination chances for the fibres and DCS in the system of AmS and CS, on the other hand PAM system provides good retention and drainage through more bridging flocculation,charge neutralization and patching.
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