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剪切力对造纸湿部絮凝作用的影响 |
Effect of Shear Force on Flocculation of Papermaking Wet-end |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2011.09.016 |
关键词: 絮凝 絮体 剪切力 助留剂 |
Key Words:flocculation flocs shear force retention aids |
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摘要点击次数: 5631 |
全文下载次数: 1742 |
摘要:本文综述了剪切力对造纸湿部絮凝作用的影响,内容包括造纸过程主要单元操作中的剪切力水平及其对絮凝的影响、剪切力大小的评价、选择性解聚的现象、不同助留体系形成絮体的抗剪切性和可逆转性以及絮凝过程控制。 |
Abstract:The paper reviewed the effect of shear force on flocculation of papermaking wet-end. Hydrodynamic shear levels of unit operations of a typical papermaking process and their effects on flocculation, the level of shear force, phenomenon of selective deflocculation and resistance to shear and reversibility of flocs induced by various retention aid systems and flocculation process control were introduced. |
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