正丁胺改性锂皂石制备ASA Pickering乳液及其施胶性能的研究
Preparation of ASA Emulsions with Butylamine Modified Laponite and Its Sizing Performance
关键词:  ASA  锂皂石  正丁胺  乳化  Pickering乳液  施胶
Key Words:ASA  Laponite  butylamine  emulsification  Pickering emulsion  sizing
丁鹏翔 山东轻工业学院山东省轻工助剂重点实验室山东济南250353 
刘温霞 山东轻工业学院山东省轻工助剂重点实验室山东济南250353 
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Abstract:Solid particles stabilized emulsions can avoid detrimental effects of surfactant. In this paper, ASA emulsions were prepared using nano-size Laponite particles, which were modified by n-butylamine, as emulsifier. The sizing performance and hydrolysis stability of the prepared emulsions were investigated. The results showed that stable ASA emulsion is obtained as the pH of aqueous phase, Laponite to ASA mass fraction, butylamine to Laponite mass fraction are 6.0, 1.5% and 2.0%, respectively. The ASA emulsion shows good sizing performance but low hydrolysis stability. The addition of alum remarkably enhances the sizing efficiency of the ASA emulsion, and with high amount of alum the ASA emulsion can develop a rather high sizing degree for paper even in absence of retention aid.
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