不同游离度杨木P-RC APMP配抄对成纸性能的影响
The Effect of Poplar P-RC APMP with Different Freeness on Paper Properties
关键词:  杨木P-RC APMP  游离度  成纸性能  配比
Key Words:poplar P-RC APMP  freeness  paper properties  ratio
张美云 陕西科技大学陕西西安710021 
陈 菊 陕西科技大学陕西西安710021 
王 建 陕西科技大学陕西西安710021 
张 宁 陕西科技大学陕西西安710021 
摘要点击次数: 5801
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摘要:采用PFI磨对杨木P-RC APMP进行磨浆,获得不同游离度的浆料,研究了不同游离度浆料配抄对成纸性能的影响。结果表明,随着游离度的不断降低,成纸的抗张强度逐渐提高,但松厚度逐渐下降。为了兼顾成纸的强度与松厚度,采用不同的配比将低游离度浆添加到高游离度浆中发现,配比后浆料游离度(CSF)若高于415~420 mL,有利于成纸的松厚度,若游离度低于415~420 mL,有利于成纸的抗张强度。在保证松厚度基本不变,提高强度所需要的混合浆游离度应低于460 mL。在保证强度基本不变,提高松厚度所需要的混合浆游离度应高于420 mL。组分分析表明,长纤维比例的增加有利于成纸松厚度的提高,细小纤维含量的增加有利于成纸强度的提高。
Abstract:The pulps with different freeness were prepared by beating poplar P-RC APMP with PFI, the effects of different freeness pulps on paper properties were studied. The results showed that with freeness continuous decreasing, the tensile strength of the paper improved gradually while the bulk decreased. It was the same tend with conventional chemical pulp. When two different freeness pulps such as a high-freeness pulp and a low-freeness pulp were mixed with different ratioes to make paper, the freeness of the mixed pulp over 415~420 mL CSF was of benefit to bulk; under 415~420 mL CSF was of benefit to tensile strength. In order to increase the strength while to keep the bulk stable, the freeness of the mixed pulp should be lower than 460 mL CSF; on the other hand, the freeness of the mixed pulp should be higher than 420 mL CSF in order to increase the bulk while to keep the strength basically stable. Compared with different fraction of the pulp, it showed that the long fiber can improve the bulk while the fines can increase the strength of the paper.
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