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数据库软件在纸浆物理性能客观评价中的应用 |
Application of Database Software in Objective Assessment of Physical Properties of Pulp |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2011.10.005 |
关键词: 打浆点 纸浆的物理性能 标准点 数据库软件 |
Key Words:beating point pulp’s physical properties standard values database software |
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摘要点击次数: 5828 |
全文下载次数: 1610 |
摘要:在纸浆测试中,不同打浆点的物理性能差距很大。如何能够对纸浆的物理性能做出客观评价和判断,找到标准点的各项物理数值,这始终是困扰国内外纸浆检测领域的一个难题,在本研究中,在综合分析和研究国际现行的各种检测方法的基础上,以VISUAL BASIC为编程语言,用ACCESS办公软件进行数据库管理,开发出了纸浆物理性能计算系统,实现了实验室打浆、抄片、及手抄片的物理性能测试的优化,为纸浆的物理性能评价和科研提供更加科学、高效、准确的技术支撑。 |
Abstract:In pulp evaluation, the physical properties of the pulp depend on different beating points. The objective assessment of physical properties of the pulp and to find the standard values were difficult. In this study, based on analysis and investigation of all kinds of testing methods, the calculation system of pulps physical properties was developed by VISUAL BASIC and ACCESS. It realizes the optimization of pulp evaluation, it is useful for assessment of pulps physical properties. |
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