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我国造纸工业废水深度处理的技术现状及其发展趋势 |
Current Status and Development Trend of Advanced Treatment Technologies for Waste Water of Paper Industry in China |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2011.10.013 |
关键词: 造纸工业废水 深度处理 发展趋势 |
Key Words:waste water of paper industry advanced treatment |
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摘要点击次数: 5387 |
全文下载次数: 1848 |
摘要:主要介绍了目前我国造纸工业废水深度处理的混凝、吸附、高级氧化、膜分离与膜生物反应器(MBR)工艺、磁混凝沉淀与磁化―仿酶催化缩合工艺、氧化塘、人工湿地等主要技术的现状,并分析了其发展趋势。 |
Abstract:Various waster water advanced treatment technologies currently widely used in China’s paper industry including coagulation, Adsorption, advanced oxidation, membrane technology, magnelization-biomimetic enzyme condensation, oxidation pond and constructed wetland and some examples of their application. The development trend of these technologies were discussed. |
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