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造纸污泥与皮革废弃物混合抄造瓦楞原纸的研究 |
Manufacture of Corrugating Medium with Paper Mill Sludge and Leather Wastes as Raw Material |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2011.11.005 |
关键词: 造纸污泥 皮革废弃物 胶原纤维 瓦楞原纸 |
Key Words:paper sludge leather wastes collagen fiber corrugating medium |
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摘要点击次数: 5660 |
全文下载次数: 1978 |
摘要:以皮革废弃物胶原纤维与造纸污泥为原料,并配加部分针叶木浆,混合抄造瓦楞原纸。结果表明,混合抄造的瓦楞原纸性能指标达到国家标准要求。其最佳混合比例为:针叶木浆20%,皮革废弃物胶原纤维50%,造纸污泥30%。 |
Abstract:There are a certain amount of fibers in paper mill sludge, including the short fibers and fines, which can be reused. Collagen fiber is a compound with high bond energy, and collagen fiber contains many polar groups, which can be well combined with hydrogen bond. In this paper, manufacture of corrugating medium with paper mill sludge and collagen fibers as raw material was studied. The results found that the ring crash index of the corrugating medium can meet the national product standard requirement. |
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