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草木浆混合漂白生产的优越性 |
The Advantage of Bleaching of Mixed Wood & Straw Pulp |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2011.11.014 |
关键词: 麦草浆 混合漂白 杨木化学浆 |
Key Words:wheat straw pulp mixed bleaching aspen chemical pulp |
基金项目: |
作者 | 单位 | 王长建 | 中冶纸业银河有限公司,山东聊城,252600 | 苗金祥 | 中冶纸业银河有限公司,山东聊城,252600 | 王秋云 | 中冶纸业银河有限公司,山东聊城,252600 | 冯桂平 | 中冶纸业银河有限公司,山东聊城,252600 | 田中粟 | 中冶纸业银河有限公司,山东聊城,252600 |
摘要点击次数: 5604 |
全文下载次数: 2029 |
摘要:对草木浆混合漂白工艺与传统麦草浆及杨木化学浆生产工艺进行了对比。结果表明,草木浆混合漂白生产出的浆较传统麦草浆及木片浆分别漂白的混合浆易洗易漂,质量有大幅度提高,成本降低,废水的环保治理费用也降低。 |
Abstract:The process of bleaching the mixed aspen pulp and wheat straw pulp is compared with the traditional separately bleaching of the pulps. The result shows that the pulps are easy to be bleached and washed when using the new bleaching process and the pulp quality is improved significantly,the cost is reduced,and the expense of effluent treatment is also decreased. |
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