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IC厌氧反应器-改良型氧化沟-浅层气浮工艺处理制浆造纸废水 |
Pulping and Papermaking Wastewater Treatment by Using IC-modified Oxidation Ditch Process |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2012.01.009 |
关键词: IC厌氧反应器 改良型氧化沟 浅层气浮 制浆造纸废水 调试 |
Key Words:IC anaerobic reactor modified oxidation ditch shallow air-floatation pulping and papermaking wastewater trial |
基金项目:本课题由陕西科技大学研究生创新基金资助。 |
摘要点击次数: 5790 |
全文下载次数: 1702 |
摘要:采用IC厌氧反应器-改良型氧化沟-浅层气浮工艺处理制浆造纸废水,介绍和分析了整个工艺的主要构筑物及其调试运行方法。当进水CODCr为4000 mg/L、BOD5为1350 mg/L、SS为2000 mg/L时,出水CODCr≤60 mg/L、BOD5≤20 mg/L、SS≤30 mg/L,达到GB3544—2008造纸工业水污染物排放标准的污染物排放限值。 |
Abstract:Pulping and papering wastewater was treated by using IC anaerobic reactor-modified oxidation ditch-shallow air-floatation system, the main construction and commissioning method of the whole system were introduced and analyzed.When the influent CODCr was 4000 mg/L, BOD5 1350 mg/L, SS 2000 mg/L, the effluent CODCr≤60 mg/L, BOD5≤20 mg/L, SS≤30 mg/L, which are meet the emission limits of “the paper industry water pollution discharge standard”(GB3544—2008). |
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