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实用软压光辊磨削方法 |
Practical Grinding Method for Soft Calender Roll |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2012.02.012 |
关键词: 软压光辊 斑马纹 磨削方法 |
Key Words:soft calender roll zebra grain grinding method |
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摘要点击次数: 6275 |
全文下载次数: 2010 |
摘要:针对软压光机的软压光辊在生产使用中产生斑马纹的问题,结合材料力学的原理从软压光辊包覆材料疲劳的角度分析斑马纹的形成,分析在机使用的软压光辊表面胶层(厚度约0.2 mm的疲劳破坏层、过渡层和未破坏层)的特点,阐述了在软压光辊磨削中的工艺控制方法,总结了一套软压光辊科学的磨削方法,使用该方法可延长软压光辊的在机使用寿命。 |
Abstract:The cause of zebra grains on the soft calender roll is described to the material fatigue according to material mechanics principle. There are three outer layers of the soft calender roll, i.e. the serious damaged layer which is almost 0.2 mm thick, the controlled grinding transition layer and the basic layer which maintains the material character. The methods for grinding these three layers are discussed. The soft calender roll grinding method including lowering down the temperature, recovery deformation, measuring, controlling the grinding amount and finishing is summarized. |
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