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预处理工艺对慈竹性能影响的研究 |
Effect of Pretreatment on the Chemical Properties of Bamboo (Neosinocalamus) |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2012.03.002 |
关键词: 慈竹 预处理 原料组分 |
Key Words:bamboo (Neosinocalamus) pretreatment material component |
基金项目:2008年度国家发改委重大产业技术开发专项“竹材制浆深度脱木素蒸煮和清洁漂白技术”;陕西科技大学校级自选科研项目ZX11-01。 |
摘要点击次数: 5581 |
全文下载次数: 1700 |
摘要:针对竹片密度大、蒸煮药液难渗透的问题,研究了慈竹预处理工艺及其对成浆性能的影响。实验结果发现,用热水预浸渍慈竹,当温度80℃、时间30 min时,在保证综纤维素含量基本不变的条件下,竹片中木素脱出率相对较高;用NaOH和Na2S共同预处理,当NaOH浓度10 g/L、Na2S浓度10 g/L、温度80℃、时间30 min时,得到了木素含量低、综纤维素含量适当降解的原料。经预处理和未预处理的慈竹在相同蒸煮工艺条件下成浆,其性能差别明显,经预处理后的成浆得率下降,但卡伯值降低更为显著。 |
Abstract:Pretreatment has become the development trend of modern pulping. Pretreatment technology of bamboo (Neosinocalamus) was studied in order to over come the liquor impregnation difficulty in pulping due to its high density. Aiming to remove as much lignin as possible and protect holocellulose from degradation, pretreatment with various temperatures, retention time and concentration of NaOH and Na2S was carried out, the remove rate of different components of the bamboo was obtained, it is the useful reference for establishing the technology of the subsequent pulping. |
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