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造纸法烟草薄片浆料系统中树脂和胶黏物的测定 |
Determination of Pitch and Stickies in Slurry System of Paper-making Reconstituted Tobacco |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2012.05.006 |
关键词: 烟草薄片 树脂和胶黏物 测定 索氏提取 |
Key Words:reconstituted tobacco pitch and stickies soxhlet extraction |
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摘要:采用索氏提取法对用造纸法生产烟草薄片各工序浆料中的树脂和胶黏物进行了测定。结果表明,合适的提取条件为提取溶剂为二氯甲烷、提取温度为60℃、提取时间为3 h;树脂和胶黏物含量在整个浆料体系中随输送方向呈现出一个显著降低、两个微量降低和一个突增后急速降低的变化过程,显著降低与微量降低的主要原因分别与木浆的加入和沉积作用有关,突增的原因来自浓白水的引入,突增后急速降低的原因为成形网的脱水。白水的循环使用明显影响烟草薄片浆料中树脂和胶黏物的含量。 |
Abstract:Soxhlet extraction method was used to determinate the content of pitch and stickies in the paper-making reconstituted tobacco slurry. The results showed that the appropriate extraction conditions were as follows: extraction solvent was methylene chloride, extraction temperature was 60℃, extraction time was 3 h.The content of pitch and stikies varied with the slurry flow direction, there were two significant decreases, two non significant decreases and a sudden increase of the content of pitch and stikies in the process. The main reason for significant decreases was the addition of wood slurry and dewatering of the former respectively, and the sudden increase was mainly due to the recycling of white water. The recycling of white water seriously influenced the content of pitch and stickies in the slurry. |
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