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低引燃倾向卷烟纸在混合型和烤烟型卷烟中热分解产物研究 |
Effect of Low Ignition Propensity Cigarette Papers on Pyrolysis of Blended and Virginia Cigarettes |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2012.05.007 |
关键词: 低引燃倾向卷烟纸 混合型卷烟 烤烟型卷烟 热分解 |
Key Words:LIP blended type cigarette flue-cured cigarette thermal decomposition |
基金项目:云南中烟工业公司科技开发计划(2010CP01),云南省创新团队建设项目2009CI014。 |
摘要点击次数: 6386 |
全文下载次数: 2163 |
摘要:采用热重-红外-气相色谱-质谱联用技术研究了3种低引燃倾向(LIP)卷烟纸、两种成品烟丝(混合型、烤烟型)、以及LIP卷烟纸与烟丝混合样品的热分解性质。采用电镜观察LIP卷烟纸的表面物理状态。结果表明,经LIP材料涂覆过的卷烟纸表面透气孔明显减少,热分解温度也稍低于未涂覆部分。各样品的热分解产物经红外谱图判断,生成的主要物质种类变化不大。气相色谱-质谱分析表明,当3种LIP卷烟纸用于卷烟时,混合型卷烟的热分解产物没有变化,烤烟型卷烟生成的双戊烯的相对含量会减少,但其主要成分并未发生明显变化。 |
Abstract:The thermal decomposition properties and products of three low ignition propensity (LIP) cigarette papers, a typical blended type and a typical flue-cured type tobaccos and the mixtures of LIP cigarette paper and the tobaccos were studied by thermogravimetry-infrared-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry technology for the first time. Surface physical morphologies of the papers were observed by electron microscope. The results showed that the amount of pores were lesser and the size also smaller after LIP material was applied, and the decomposition temperatures were also lower. The main decomposition products of all samples were similar observed by the infrared spectra. There was no obvious change in decomposition products when the LIP cigarette papers were combined with the blended type tobacco, while the dipentene was reduced when LIP cigarette paper was combined with the flue-cured type tobaccos, determined by the gas chromatography and the mass spectrometry. |
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