The Influence of Combustion-supporting Additives in Cigarette Paper on the Harmful Chemicals in Mainstream Smoke of the Cigarette
关键词:  卷烟纸  助燃剂  主流烟气  有害物质
Key Words:cigarette paper  combustion-supporting additives  mainstream smoke  harmful components
杨 娇2 2.中国海诚工程科技股份有限公司研发中心上海201702 
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摘要:考察了卷烟纸助燃剂(有机钾、钠盐)对卷烟主流烟气中7类(20种)有害成分的影响。采用含15、20、25、30、35 kg/t助燃剂的5种卷烟纸,在相同条件下制成卷烟,测定其主流烟气中20种有害物质的生成量;并建立了描述该影响规律的回归方程。结果表明,烟气中多数苯酚类物质、焦油与CO释放量都随助燃剂含量增大而降低;稠环芳烃总释放量在助燃剂含量为20 kg/t时达到最低值,而多数羰基化合物的释放量在助燃剂含量为20 kg/t时达到最高值,其变化规律可用二次方程模拟; NH3与HCN的生成量在卷烟纸助燃剂含量为30 kg/t时达到最低值,变化规律均可以用二次方程模拟;NNK的释放量基本无变化。
Abstract:Five kinds of cigarette paper which respectively contain 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 kg/t combustion-supporting additives were used to investigate the relationship between combustion-supporting additives in cigarette paper and the emission of 20 kinds of harmful chemicals in the mainstream smoke of the cigarette. In the mean time, equations were established to describe the relationship. The results showed that emission of most phenolic compounds, tar and CO decreased as the contents of combustion-supporting additives increasing; polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon had the minimum value when the content of combustion-supporting additives was 20 kg/t; and carbonyl compound had the max when the content of combustion-supporting additives was 20 kg/t; NH3 and HCN had the minimum value when the content of combustion-supporting additives was 30 kg/t. The relationships could be described by the equation. NNK emission was basically unchanged in this study.
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