Effects of Trichlorophenol in Paper-making Wastewater on Toxicity of Anaerobic Granular Sludge
关键词:  造纸废水  2,4,6-TCP  毒性  厌氧颗粒污泥  产甲烷活性
Key Words:paper-making wastewater  2,4,6-TCP  toxicity  anaerobic granular sludge  methanogenic activity
王 艳1 1.华南理工大学环境科学与工程学院广东广州510640 
胡梦蝶1 1.华南理工大学环境科学与工程学院广东广州510640 
万金泉1,2 1.华南理工大学环境科学与工程学院广东广州5106402.华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510640 
马邕文1,2 1.华南理工大学环境科学与工程学院广东广州5106402.华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510640 
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摘要:进行了造纸废水中不同浓度2,4,6-三氯苯酚(2,4,6-TCP)的产甲烷毒性及产甲烷活性恢复实验,结果发现,2,4,6-TCP浓度与对产甲烷菌的抑制作用正相关,与产甲烷活性恢复程度负相关,表明2,4,6-TCP是一类杀菌性有机物。研究了不同浓度2,4,6-TCP对经驯化的厌氧颗粒污泥特性的影响,结果表明,浓度为20 mg/L和30 mg/L的2,4,6-TCP能促进污泥颗粒化,加速大颗粒的形成;同时使颗粒污泥的活性提高,因营养供应不足形成空腔导致沉降速度降低;2,4,6-TCP在高浓度(20 mg/L和30 mg/L)的条件下,以还原脱氯代谢为主,增加了生物质的量;并且为还原脱氯微生物和厌氧微生物协同代谢提供了充足的营养物质,厌氧微生物表现出较强的生物活性,辅酶浓度升高。在2,4,6-TCP浓度较高时(20 mg/L和30 mg/L),菌体分解,渗透至胞外,胞外聚合物总量增加。
Abstract:Methanogenic toxicity and methanogenic activity recovery experiments in different concentrations of 2,4,6-TCP in the paper-making wastewater were carried out. The results showed that the inhibition of methanogens was positively correlated with the concentration of 2,4,6-TCP, and the recovery of methanogenic activity was negatively correlated. It illustrated that 2,4,6-TCP is a type of fungicides. The effect of different concentrations of 2,4,6-TCP on the characteristics of domestic anaerobic granular sludge was studied. It proved that concentrations of 20 mg/L and 30 mg/L of 2,4,6-TCP promoted sludge granulation and accelerated the formation of large particles, increased the activity of granular sluge, due to the lack of nutrients, it formed a cavity, the sedimentation rate decreased. In the conditions of high concentration (20 mg/L and 30 mg/L) of 2,4,6-TCP, the main metabolic pathway was metabolic reductive dechlorination, so the amount of biomass increased. Furthermore, high concentration 2,4,6-TCP provided sufficient nutrients for reductive dechlorination and anaerobic microorganisms to increase biological activity, and the concentration of coenzyme also increased. In the situations of high concentration (20 mg/L and 30 mg/L) 2,4,6-TCP,bacterial decomposed and permeated to the extracellular, thus the total content of extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) increased.
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