Effects of Crude Enzyme of White-rot Fungus Treatment of Tobacco Stem RMP on the Degradation Rate of Lignin and the Physical Properties of the Tobacco Sheet
关键词:  烟草薄片  烟梗  白腐菌  抗张强度  柔软度  评吸
Key Words:tobacco sheet  tobacco stem  laccase  tensile strength  softness  smoking
安 瑞 湖北工业大学化学与环境工程学院湖北武汉430068 
谢益民 湖北工业大学化学与环境工程学院湖北武汉430068 
王 磊 湖北工业大学化学与环境工程学院湖北武汉430068 
瞿 方 湖北工业大学化学与环境工程学院湖北武汉430068 
邹进芳 湖北工业大学化学与环境工程学院湖北武汉430068 
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摘要:利用白腐菌的粗酶液处理烟梗盘磨机械浆(RMP),研究白腐菌粗酶液的用量和处理时间对烟梗RMP中木素降解率及烟草薄片的抗张强度和柔软度的影响。结果表明,粗酶液对烟梗RMP的最佳处理条件为酶液用量15 IU/g,处理时间为3 h;在此条件下,获得的烟梗RMP的木素降解率为33.48%,抗张指数为9.13 N·m/g,柔软度为518 mN。经评吸实验感官评价,与未经粗酶液处理的烟梗RMP配抄的烟草薄片相比,经粗酶液处理的烟梗RMP配抄的烟草薄片的木质杂气减少,刺激性降低,品质得到提升。
Abstract:The effects of the crude enzyme of white-rot fungus treatment of the RMP pulp of the tobacco stem on the degradation rate of lignin, and the physical properties of the tobacco sheet were studied. The result indicated that the optimum conditions of treatment were as follows: enzyme dosage 15 IU/g, treatment time 3 h. Under above conditions, the degradation rate of lignin was 33.48%, the tensile strength and softness of the sheet was 9.13 N·m/g and 518 mN respectively. Moreover, through smoking test of the tobacco sheet treated with crude enzyme, the results indicated that the woody smell and stimulation reduced obviously, the quality was improved compared with the tobacco sheet without treatment.
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