Study on Silicon-coated Release Paper for Artificial Leather Production
关键词:  水性有机硅树脂  离型层配比  首次剥离强度  可重复使用次数  耐溶剂性
Key Words:waterborne silicone resin  composition of releasing layer  peeling strength for the first time  reusing times  solvent resistance
黄小雷1 1.中国制浆造纸研究院北京100102 
吴严亮2 2.华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510640 
刘 文1 1.中国制浆造纸研究院北京100102 
刘群华1 1.中国制浆造纸研究院北京100102 
摘要点击次数: 5873
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摘要:优选出耐热性较好的3种丙烯酸类乳液作为底涂主剂,水性有机硅树脂作为离型剂,并通过混合正交实验探讨了离型层配比、底涂主剂、底涂压光压力及离型层涂布量对离型纸首次剥离强度和可重复使用次数的影响大小,由此确定了达到最佳离型性能,即首次剥离强度为8.7×10-2 kN/m,可重复使用次数为35次的相应涂层工艺条件是:底涂主剂采用的丙烯酸类乳液,其Tg为6℃、涂4-杯黏度20 s时原液固含量为45.0%、原液黏度为300 mPa·s。底涂压光压力为8 MPa,离型层涂布量为1~2 g/m2,离型层配比为4∶1,在该工艺条件下自制硅系合成革离型纸,其耐溶剂性与进口纸相当或更优。
Abstract:Three kinds of acrylic emulsion were selected as main components of the base layer, and waterborne silicone resin was selected as releasing agent. The influences of the main component, calendaring conditions of base layer and coated weight of silicone in releasing layer on peeling strength and reusing times of the paper were investigated. The results indicated that under the optimal condition including main component of base coating was D, pressure of calendaring was 8 MPa, coated weight of releasing layer was 1~2 g/m2, ratio of releasing layer was 4∶1, peeling strength for the first time was 8.7×10-2 kN/m, reusing times was 35. Solvent resistance of the product was close to or better than two kinds of foreign release paper.
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