Advanced Treatment of the Effluent from Reconstituted Tobacco Slices Manufacture by Papermaking Process
关键词:  烟草薄片废水  混凝法  Fenton氧化法  深度处理
Key Words:tobacco slice effluent  coagulation process  Fenton oxidation process  advanced treatment
莫立焕 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室华南理工大学植物资源化学与化工联合实验室广东广州510640 
周志明 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室华南理工大学植物资源化学与化工联合实验室广东广州510640 
王玉峰 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室华南理工大学植物资源化学与化工联合实验室广东广州510640 
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摘要:采用单独混凝法、单独Fenton氧化法及混凝联合Fenton法对生化处理后造纸法烟草薄片废水进行深度处理,筛选出了最佳实验条件。实验发现,采用单独混凝法和单独Fenton氧化法处理废水,其处理结果并不能满足GB9878—1996污水综合排放标准的排放要求。而采用混凝联合Fenton法处理,出水CODCr和色度分别为81 mg/L、 49.2 C.U.,达到排放标准,其最优处理条件为:混凝反应初始pH值为8,混凝剂PAC用量为1.35 g/L,助凝剂PAM用量为3.6 mg/L;Fenton反应初始pH值为3,H2O2用量为15 mmol/L,FeSO4用量为7.5 mmol/L。
Abstract:The advanced treatment of papermaking-reconstituted tobacco slices effluent by single coagulation process, single Fenton oxidation process and coagulation-Fenton process was carried out, and the optimal conditions of coagulation and oxidation were determined. Experiments found that the result of wastewater treatment using single coagulation process or single Fenton process could not meet the national emission regulations. However it was found that coagulation-Fenton process with the conditions of initial pH value was 8, PAC dosage was 1.35 g/L, PAM dosage was 3.6×10-3 g/L in coagulation process, and initial pH value was 3, H2O2 dosage was 15 mmol/L, FeSO4 dosage was 7.5 mmol/L, in the Fenton process the CODCr and color of the effluent could be lower than 81 mg/L and 49.2 C.U. respectively, which could meet the national emission standards.
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