Study on the Removal Efficiency of Stubborn COD in Pulping Wastewater by Fenton Oxidation
关键词:  制浆废水  Fenton氧化  流化床Fenton氧化  可生化性
Key Words:pulping wastewater  Fenton oxidation  fluidized-bed reactor Fenton oxidation  biotreatbility
宋 云1,2 1.轻工业环境保护研究所北京1000892.北京科技大学北京100083 
李培中1 1.轻工业环境保护研究所北京100089 
程言君1 1.轻工业环境保护研究所北京100089 
王海见1 1.轻工业环境保护研究所北京100089 
宋存义2 2.北京科技大学北京100083 
摘要点击次数: 5724
全文下载次数: 1502
摘要:与传统Fenton氧化法相比流化床Fenton氧化法可以有效降低氧化剂的消耗量,同时可以使CODCr的去除效率有所提高。由于制浆废水的复杂特性,Fenton氧化反应存在一定的矿化能力极限,处理后废水很难稳定达标。进一步研究确定了最佳反应条件为:H2O2用量为1/2Qth、Fe2+与H2O2摩尔比为1∶5时,一沉池出水进行氧化处理后CODCr由1004 mg/L降至235 mg/L,BOD5/CODCr提高到0.59,并通过AOX值和二氯甲烷萃取物GC-MS分析对比,判断废水可生化性显著提高。在此基础上采用流化床Fenton氧化与废水生物处理组合工艺进行处理,可以满足达标排放要求。
Abstract:Traditional Fenton oxidation and fluidized-bed reactor (FBR) Fenton oxidation were used to treat the pulping wastewater, FBR Fenton process could significantly reduce oxidant quantity and by-product, and increase CODCr removal efficiency. Fenton reaction had CODCr removal limit and the treated effluent could not stably meet the requirement of the regulation due to the complex property of the pulping wastewater. In the optimum conditions: 1/2Qth H2O2,Fe2+/H2O2 1∶5,CODCr of the treated effluent decreased from 1004 mg/L to 235 mg/L, and BOD5/CODCr increased to 0.59. The AOX and GC-MS test result of dichloromethane extractive also indicated the improvement of biotreatability. FBR Fenton-biotreatment integrated process is proposed to treat the pulping wastewater to meet the discharge requirement of the regulation.
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