Influence of Pre-flocculation of Filler and Wet End Additives on Filler Retention and Paper Strength
关键词:  预絮聚  细小纤维  纸张形貌
Key Words:pre-flocculation  small fibers  paper morphology
潘 诚 湖北工业大学制浆造纸工程研究所湖北武汉430068 
付建生 湖北工业大学制浆造纸工程研究所湖北武汉430068 
袁世炬 湖北工业大学制浆造纸工程研究所湖北武汉430068 
龙 芬 湖北工业大学制浆造纸工程研究所湖北武汉430068 
摘要点击次数: 5759
全文下载次数: 1525
摘要:利用两个纸厂的浆料,在填料和助剂预絮聚工艺条件及模拟实际生产工艺条件下进行实验,研究了不同工艺条件下,手抄片中细小纤维含量与纸张灰分、抗张强度之间的关系,通过扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对纸张表面形貌进行了观察。实验结果表明,在填料和助剂预絮聚后进行的加填,与实际生产工艺条件相比,成纸的灰分分别从10.8%、9.0%提高到12.2%、10.3%;成纸的抗张指数分别从21.6、23.4 N·m/g提高到22.2、27.6 N·m/g;填料和助剂预絮聚工艺条件下的加填,相对于普通生产工艺,在纤维交织所形成的毛细孔中的填料含量明显增加。
Abstract:Using two pulps from two mills, the handsheets were prepared with adding filler in two ways, one was to simulate the current production operation, another was to use pre-flocculation technique, and the filler was pre-flocculated with wet end chemicals. The relation between fines content and ash content, paper strength of the handsheets prepared by different loading processes was studied. The results indicated that when filler was added by using pre-flocculation technique, the ash content increased from 10.8% and 9.0% to 12.2% and 10.3%, tensile strength increased from 21.6 N·m/g and 23.4 N·m/g to 22.2 N·m/g and 27.6 N·m/g of the handsheets prepared by using two different mill’s pulps respectively. The surface morphology of the handsheets was analyzed by SEM; it was found that most of the pre-floccalated fillers were resented in the pores of fiber network, on the contrary, the fillers mainly resented on the fibers surface when fillers were added according to conventional process.
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